
Corporate Governance

Overview of policies and practices of Corporate Governance Policy. The Board of Directors has both allowed and facilitated good business management in every levels of the organization and it has continuously improved and strived to enhance our performance to achieve intended business goals as efficiently as possible. The Board of Directors has always conducted our business according to local laws and other related regulations and takes pride in our truthfulness and transparency. The Board of Directors truly believes that good, transparent and effective business management will significantly contribute to the company’s better performance and higher business returns. This is certainly most beneficial in the long run for our shareholders, investors and all other associates. Hence, the Board of Directors has determined our business administration and management policies as follows. 1)  To conduct business in accordance with the principles of Good Corporate Governance along with transparency and verifiability. 2)  To direct all members of director to act according to their entrusted roles and responsibilities as effectively and as efficiently as possible. 3)  To treat shareholders and other stakeholders with parity and fairness and disclose sufficient business information for all parties and associates involved. 4)  To supply adequate internal business control to ascertain appropriate risks management standard and ensure regular follow-ups. 5)  To determine the company’s visions, missions, goals, policies, business plans and corporate budgets and must undertake relevant follow-ups on a regular basis. 6)  To provide Authorization Manual to the company’s executives, employees and other associates to inform and specify their roles and responsibilities, their parts in decision-makings and their scope of power in accordance with their entrusted roles and assigned duties. 7)  To provide Code of Conduct and notify the members of Director along with every other employees and associates to adhere to. The company has conformed to the following administration and management principles which specify five areas of conduct. These include Shareholders’ Rights Section, Treating All Stocks Holders Impartially Section, Roles of Stakeholders Section, Information Disclosure and Transparency Section, and Responsibilities of the Board of Director Section. The specific contents of each section are elaborated as follows. 1)        Shareholders’ Rights. In 2023, the company held one meeting as the Annual General Meeting of Year 2022. The company used this opportunity to allow all of our shareholders to participate in the matters relating to business management and share their opinions on some aspects of the business operation. What follow are the details of the meeting and its activities. 1.1)    The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders was held by means of electronic media (E-Meeting) at the Company’s meeting room. The electronic conference system has been hired as the operator of the meeting. The Company gives shareholders the opportunity to attend the meeting in electronic media format and also facilitates and encourages all shareholders, including institutional investors, to attend all forms of meetings. The Company does not discourage shareholders from communicating with each other. 1.2)    The company allowed our shareholders to voice their concerns over various issues which would then be included in the meeting’s agenda. The shareholders could also nominate in advance an individual they deemed fit to become a director of the company. This must be done during October 1, 2022 until December 30, 2022 for the Annual General Meeting 2023. The company notified all shareholders using the SET news system and also provided additional information along with specific clarifications regarding the criteria and the specific courses of action on the company’s website. 1.3)    The company sent the letters of invitation to the annual meeting along with related information and documents to be used at the meeting to all of our shareholders. These included the annual report, financial statements and other related documents that the meeting attendees had to bring to the meeting and used them to confirm their identities. They each also received a letter of proxy which would be used to notify the committee of their absences and also to authorize or entrust another individual as their substitutes. This must be done within 7 working days prior to the meeting. In any case, the meeting documents that were sent to all shareholders along with an official letter of invitation to the meeting must provide adequate and complete information. The shareholders can use them and put together their opinion to make various decisions as specified by the meeting’s agenda. Furthermore, the company also included another option for the shareholders in allowing the Independent Director to act on behalf of the shareholders who were unable to attend the meeting. 1.4)     The company had attached Letter of Proxy, Type B which specifies that the shareholders can determine how they should vote during each period. With it, the company also sent a letter of invitation with date and time of the upcoming meeting. For those shareholders who could not come to the meeting, they would have to notify the independent director and authorize other individuals to attend the meeting and vote on their behalf. The aforementioned documents were also available and could be downloaded from the company’s website. 1.5)    The Meeting would be announced the specific procedures and counting the votes before starting the meeting. Each shareholder has one vote count per one stock owned. 1.6)    The Chairman of the meeting orchestrated the meeting as described in the agenda attached to the official invitation to the annual meeting. The executive committee allowed all meeting attendees to voice their opinions and ask question during each chapter of the meeting. The Board of Directors themselves would also give relevant comments, articulate additional suggestions and subsequently makes a record of important issues discussed during the meeting in the Minutes. 1.7)    The company did not introduce another meeting agenda or changed any important information without notifying the shareholders in advance. 1.8)    The company distributed the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting to notify all shareholders about the results of the meeting. All shareholders can verify the information using information channels of the SET as well as through visiting the company’s website within 14 days after the day of the meeting. 2)        Treating All Shareholders Impartially The company abides by the policy which states that we shall treat all shareholders impartially using the same standard regardless of whether one is a major shareholder, a minor shareholder, or an institutional investor. This is to ensure that the company has bona fide and sustainable impartiality. Measures taken to uphold the value are as follows. 2.1)     The company arranges all meetings among all shareholders using the same standards and procedures and try to facilitate all shareholders and investors, give them equal opportunities in asking questions during meetings and voicing their opinions during each chapter of the meeting . The Chairman of the meeting was overseeing the convention heeds and respects all shareholders’ opinions and always try to answer to all concerns voiced and questions asked as completely as possible. This is evident in Minutes following every annual general meeting. 2.2)     For the Annual General Meeting among in Year 2023, the company distributed an invitation card as well as the annual report, Financial statement and a letter of proxy to be used in nominating at least one person to become an independent director to all shareholders whose name appeared in the company’s record of stocks holding. The company also publicly announced the information regarding the date and time of the Annual General Meeting and the intended agenda in a newspaper prior to the meeting at least 7 days for a period of 3 consecutive days. 2.3)     The company allowed our shareholders to voice their concerns over various issues which would then be included in the meeting’s agenda. The shareholders could also nominate in advance an individual they deemed fit to become a director of the company. This must be done during October 1, 2023 until December 30, 2023 for the Annual General Meeting 2022. The company notified all shareholders using the SET news system and also provided additional information along with specific clarifications regarding the criteria and the specific courses of action on the company’s website. 2.4)     The company allowed our shareholders to exercise their rights in nominating and appointing director of the company as a private individual.     2.5)     The company enfranchised all of our shareholders their rights over the company’s decision making based on the quantity of stocks owned. This is the standard practice which is applied to all of our shareholders. They can use their specified counts to vote and influence a decision when the occasion arises. 3)        Roles of Stakeholders. The company takes every group of stakeholders into consideration by determining various procedures to be taken in the Code of Conduct. The manual itself is for Director, Executive and all other employees to consult, observe and adhere to ensure their good and ethical performance. The moral recommendations and codes of conduct as described in this manual are considered essential and shall be closely observed by all individuals, for example. Shareholders : The company shall conduct its business with absolute transparency while taking into account the prospect of long-term growth of the corporate value. Employees : The company shall support the development of human resources skills by basing our judgment entirely on individual competency and shall emphasize on safety first working ethics, impartiality, fair compensation and provide appropriate workers’ benefits. Business Partners/Creditors :  To abide by trading agreements and strictly comply with conditions as stated in the contract(s). Competitors : To observe and abide by relevant competition rules and regulations and shall not defame or denigrate competitors without sufficient proof or evidence. Customers : To strive, improve and keep our goods and products up to the relevant standards with the aim to maximize our customers’ satisfaction. In this respect, the company has also achieved and been certified with ISO9001:2000, GMP, and HACCP and also delegate a group of our employees for customer service and assure confidentiality between the company and our customers. Community, Society and Environment  :  The company supports our employees to participate in activities which aim to prevent or remedy environmental problems or pollutions by strictly observing local laws and related environmental regulations. The company also supports environmental activities of surrounding communities and other similar activities of the locality where our business establishments are located and pronounce to every employee known and having training program for employee about safety, health and environment. 4)        Information Disclosure and Transparency. The Board of Directors is aware that the company’s information, finance-related or not, can have an impact or influence how investors and other stakeholders make their decision. Therefore, the Board of Directors has always explicitly instructed all Executives to be extraordinarily careful in disclosing the information which must be done completely, truthfully, reliably, regularly, and also in a timely manner. The Executives has always given priority to the aforementioned principles and behave accordingly. And regarding to services given to sustain investor’s relations, the company has delegated Chief Financial Officer to act on behalf of the company in contacting and communicating with investors, shareholders, analysts, relevant government agencies, investor’s institutions as well as the general public. For further information or specific inquiries, please contact us at 0-269-9166 or visit our website at or email us at Target The Company will disclose complete information with transparency to investors, shareholders, analysts, relevant government agencies, investment institutions, and the general public. The Company also submits quarterly and annual financial reports on time without an order to amend quarterly and annual financial statements and without any action taken by regulatory agencies due to the fact that no important event information is announced within the period prescribed by the government. Performance in the Past Year In 2023, the Company had no late submission of quarterly financial reports and annual financial reports, and there was no case for the revision of the quarterly financial statements and annual financial statements. Also, there was no operation by the regulatory agency because the Company did not announce any information about important events within the specified period. 5)        Responsibilities of the Board of Directors. 5.1)    The appointment of directors is in accordance with the Company's regulations. The  Board of Directors consist of 10 directors as details follows; male director 10 persons female director -none- Independent Director 4    persons  or 40% of the Board of directors, Non-Executives Director 5    persons   or 50% of the Board of directors, Executives Director 1    persons  or 10% of the Board of directors, 5.2)    All directors must receive an orientation along with necessary information on various aspects of business operation of the company from their very first day in office. This is a company’s policy which is applicable to all individuals who agree to take up a position as part of the Board of directors. In 2023, there was no new director or replacement for the director who resigned. 5.3)    The number of independent director is 4 members of 10 members of the Board of Directors or made up a third of the entire of the Board of Directors. In any case, the independent directors are free to act with their delegated authority. They do not need to answer to Executives, major stocks holders or even the Chairman of the Board of directors. 5.4)    The Chairman of the Board of directors must not be the same person with the Chief Executive Officer. In 2023 Mr.Banphon Hongtong is The Chairman of the Board of directors and Mr.Kringbhong Takviriyanun is Chief Executive Officer. 5.5)    This is to guarantee the good and balanced allocation of responsibilities in both policy-making and day-to-day management. The company clearly stipulates and defines roles and responsibilities of every level of administration which can be referred to in our Business Operation Manual. The company also delegates and allocates duties and responsibilities of each finance position to ensure that relevant officers can work independently and can fully exercise their delegated authority to achieve their goals and objectives. This shall establish balance, transparency, and also credibility throughout bookkeeping processes and in their acting as custodians for the company’s assets. With clear boundaries between each administrative and finance position, the company can make sure that all related works and financial records are verified and that all directors can work to the fullest of their ability as representatives of all stocks holders to achieve intended results. This shall lead and necessitate a counterbalance between administrative and financial officers and help, in turn, to prevent fraudulence or other misconducts. 5.6)    The Board of Directors is responsible for directing and managing the company. Their performance shall comply with laws and regulations, the company’s objectives and obligations as well as the decisions resulted from the general meetings between the company and the shareholders with due honesty and transparency. They must also strive to safe keep the company’s profits and other advantages. 5.7)    The tenure of a director is fixed and must be in accordance with rules and regulations which stipulate that during the Annual General Meeting of every year, one-third (1/3) of the director members must leave the posts. In the case which director member cannot be equally divided into three separate groups, the closest possible number shall be applied instead. The Director whose tenure is the longest shall be the ones who have to leave the posts. 5.8)    All directors possess knowledge, abilities, aptitudes and have undergone a training course necessary to become and act as Director. The program is known as “Directors Certification Program”(DCP) or as “Directors Accreditation Program” (DAP). Both are provided by Thai Institute of Directors (IOD). The following list shows committee members who have undertaken the programs. 1)    Mr. Banphot  Hongthong DAP Certificate Class 2013 2)    Mr. Chusak Prachayangprecha  DCP Certificate Class 18/2002 3)    Mr. Takon Tawintermsup  DCP Certificate Class 32/2003 4)    Mr. Paiboon Kujareevanich DAP Certificate Class 13/2014 5)    Mr. Kitti Chatlekhavanich  DCP Certificate Class 4/2000 6)    Mr. Karoon Nuntileepong DCP Certificate Class 9/2001 7)    Mr. Songridth Niwattisaiwong DCP Certificate Class 15/2002 8)    Mr. Nopporn Picha DAP Certificate Class 2003 9)    Mr. Saravut Menasavet  DAP Certificate Class 2015 10)  Mr. Rachoj Tawintermsup -None- 5.9)    The Board of directors possess leadership skills, visions, and are able to make decision independently in order to maximize the company’s and all shareholders’ benefits. The Board of directors also participates in the process of determining and approving the company’s visions, missions, strategies, and objectives. The Management reviews the proposals for the Board of directors every 1-3 years, or, whenever major changes occur both in the business operation and in the economy.            In 2023, at the Board of Directors Meeting No. 4/2023 on November 9, 2023, the Board of Directors reviewed the vision and missions and opined that they would remain the same. 5.10)  In terms of business plans and corporate budget, the company has an action plan and follow up every quarter and implement ever year. The Management normally presents them to the Executives Committee to consider on a yearly basis. This practice is in accordance with the framework for business operation. The team shall report the information to the Board of directors and if the business plans or the corporate budgets put forward exceed the decision making authority delegated to the Executives Committee, they shall bring the proposals to the Board of directors for the approval. The Board of directors shall direct the Management to act according to business plans and proposed corporate budgets as efficiently and as effectively as possible.            In 2023, the management held four meetings to monitor a quarterly budget and action plan for all departments and clarify the progress of the budget and action plan, including the reasons for failure to follow the plan, to present to the Executive Committee. The management presented the budget and action plan for the year 2024 to the Executive Committee for consideration in October 2023 and presented them to the Board of Directors for approval in November 2023. 5.11)  The delegation of authority and clear separation of each job duty, role and responsibility between the Board of directors, Chief Executive Officer and the Management must be generally practiced. The company also clearly specifies and describes the operational authorities in written language. 5.12)  Prevention of conflicts of interest, the transactions or business conducts between the Company and connected persons, related persons, or people who may have a conflict, have to be done in accordance with general commercial terms. All transactions will be done fairly at market prices and in a normal commercial manner or as a transaction that is a trade agreement in the same way that a person would do with a general counterpart in the same situation. There should be a trade bargaining power without influence from the status of directors, executives, or related persons (as the case may be) under reasonable conditions and it can be verified that such transactions do not cause a transfer of benefits. The Board of directors also takes precaution against any conflict over benefits that may arise. Under such circumstance, the company shall delegate an Audit and Risk Management Committee to see to the problems/conflicts and other related matters and put forward practical solutions appropriately and immediately. All business transactions shall be in accordance with the SET rules and regulations both in terms of prices and conditions-similar to transactions with any outsider. The specific details of the transaction, value, contract partners, reasons/needs must be clearly present in the Annual Report and Form 56-1 and must also be included in notice section of Corporate Budget under the detail on account reports of related individuals. 5.13)  The company has a policy which states that Director and Executives must notify about the trading of the company’s stocks at least 1 day prior to the actual transaction so that the Audit committee can investigate on the matter through Company Secretary and must hand in report on all stakes holders involved every 6 month. Secretary Company must hand in a copy of the report to the head of the Audit and Risk committee afterwards. The directors and executives has a duty to report changes in securities holding to SEC and informing the Company Secretary in order to record the changes and summarize securities of individual directors and executives to report to the Board of Directors. 5.14)  The Board of directors has developed a system for internal control that covers all finance, business operation, risk management to ensure that they comply with laws, rules and related regulations. The Board of directors also provides an effective mechanism to investigate and counterbalance and make sure that all funds and assets of both the company’s and the investors’ are attentively protected. In addition, the Board of directors also determines the company’s levels of authority. Any committee approval shall have with it clear signatures of associated personnel as specified in the manual concerning the business operation and Executives/employees’ responsibilities. All business forms must be written clearly and explicitly. There should be Internal Audit solely to investigate and control the working processes of all departments and keep up to the relevant standards. Internal Audit must also assess the effectiveness and sufficiency of the current level of internal control within the company. In any case, the Audit committee shall delegate necessary power and authority to the Internal Audit to enhance them to work independently. This is to make sure that they can fully investigate any problem or misconduct and can immediately and directly report the problems found to the Audit committee for every business quarter. 5.15)  The Board of directors has collaborated to devise Development Plan for Executives along with Succession Plan and also undertake annual assessment regarding the work performance of Executives on a regular basis. They also assign the Nomination and Remuneration Committee to consider a compensation system which takes into account the work performances of Executives and translate them into benefits and compensations befitting their business performances. This is an attempt to encourage initiatives on the Executives’ behalf. It is to prompt them to take up challenges and become more successful at what they do. This shall benefit the company as a whole. 5.16)  The company has published Codes of Conduct and provides them to all associates as something to abide by. All of the company’s employee shall work and attend to their duties with honesty and trustworthiness. The company has given Codes of Conduct to all Directors, Executives and employees and urges all to abide by the ethical principles. In addition, the company also provides training/meeting sessions to explain to all employees about the code of conduct described in the manual. Directors and managers at every level shall pay close attention to their subordinates and make sure that they all act according to the principles. More specifically, the company has officially delegated the code of conduct as part of the trainings to be provided and followed up by Human Resources Department on a yearly basis. In the year 2023, the Human Resources Department conducted training sessions for employees and directors. Additionally, they distributed document links via email for employees to review and acknowledge. No misconduct related to ethics and integrity was identified during this period. 5.17)  The company determines and subsequently announces about a meeting among the Board of directors in advance. The meeting will be held once for every business quarter. There might also be additional meeting(s) if it is deemed as necessary. The agenda of such meeting shall be clearly determined prior to the meeting itself. There might also arise an occasion in which the results and work performance are checked upon. On such occasion, the Company Secretary will send an official letter of invitation, along with the meeting’s agenda to each director 7 days prior to the actual meeting. This is to make certain that all directors have the time needed to ponder and examine the relevant information, be sufficiently prepared and arrive at the meeting ready to discuss the issues or problems. During the Board of directors meeting, all directors can express their opinions freely. All things discussed shall be put down in writing. Afterwards, the records already approved by the Board of directors will be passed on to director of company which shall further investigate and proofread before giving their final approvals. Normally, a meeting lasts for approximately 3 hours. In addition, the company will delegate a Company Secretary and Legal Consultants who shall suggest or recommend on legal matters and other related regulations, oversee the board of directors activities, and coordinate with all associates to ensure that all practices comply with the board of director’s decisions.   Overall Performance of Corporate Governance for Sustainable Development Year 2022 AGM Checklist 2023 : Acknowledgement of the quality assessment results of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders which the Company received a score of 98 from the Thai Investors Association reflecting that the Company takes into account the rights of shareholders equally before, during and after the shareholders’ meeting. These matters are an important element of good corporate governance Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies; Acknowledgment of the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies 2023 from the Thai Institute of Directors Association which is rated “Excellent” or “Five-Star” which clearly reflects that the Company has given importance to shareholder rights, equitable treatment of shareholders, taking into account the role of stakeholders, disclosing transparency information and responsibilities of the Board of Directors. The Company received a second times renew of certified as a member of the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption. Corporate Governance Report The Board’s Performance Recruitment, Development, and Evaluation of the Board of Directors’ Performance (1)      Nomination of Directors The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has been assigned the duty to recruit qualified persons according to the Securities and Exchange Act, including other laws related thereto, in accordance with the qualifications specified by the Company and propose them to the Board of Directors and/or the shareholders’ meeting for consideration and appointment (as the case may be) according to the Company’s regulations. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has recruited qualified individuals from the following channels: The shareholders are given the opportunity to propose an agenda and nominate qualified persons to be elected as directors in advance from October 1, 2022, to December 30, 2022, for the Annual General Meeting of the year 2023. The shareholders are informed through the news system of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Company’s website. To give the right to minority shareholders to nominate a person to be appointed as a director, the Company has established preliminary criteria that minority shareholders wishing to nominate a person to be considered for the position of director must be shareholders of the Company, which may be a single shareholder or a combination of shareholders or voting rights no less than five percent of the total number of shares with voting rights of the Company (no less than 31,637,633 shares) to nominate only one person, who must be a shareholder of the Company on the date of proposing the agenda, to be considered for election to be a director. The appointment of people to the position of directors is decided by a majority vote. The cumulative voting system is not used. List of qualified persons recommended by executives, directors, and reliable outsiders, including names from the Director Pool database of the IOD. Each director is given the opportunity to nominate a person who is considered to be the right person. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will review and evaluate the skills and characteristics of the directors and the overall composition of the Board of Directors in accordance with the strategy and direction of the Company’s business operations and prepare a Board Sill Matrix Table to consider the necessary skills that the Board of Directors is missing. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has also considered a variety of professional skills, knowledge, expertise, experience, independence, and other competencies without limiting the age, gender, or race of the directors.Board Skill Matrix Qualifications of Directors The directors of the Company must have all qualifications and not have any prohibited characteristics as specified in the Public Company Limited Act and the Securities and Exchange Act, including related announcements and/or regulations, and the Company’s articles of association. The directors of the Company must have knowledge, competence, skills, and experience in working in a way that is beneficial to the business. They must be honest and ethical, and they must be able to devote enough time to fully perform their duties in accordance with their liability. Independent Directors Definition (a)      Do not own shares exceeding 1% of paid-up capital in the company, parent company, subsidiary, affiliate, or any organization that may have conflicts of interest with the company. This injunction also includes shares held by related parties.  (b)     Is not or has never been an Executive Director, employee, staff, advisor who receives salary, nor controlling parties of the company, parent company, subsidiary, affiliate, same-level subsidiaries or any organization that may have conflicts unless the foregoing status ended at least 2 years prior to the date of submitting the application to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). (c)      Is not the person who has relationship by means of descent or legal registration under the status of father, mother, spouse, brothers and sisters, and children. The prohibitive persons also include spouses of daughters and sons of management, major shareholders, controlling party or the person who is in the process of nomination to be the management or controlling party of the applicant or its subsidiary. (d)      Have no or never had business relationship with the company, parent company, subsidiary, affiliate, or any organization that may have conflicts in respect of holding the power which may cause the obstacle of the independent decision, including not being or never been the significant shareholder, or controlling parties of nay person having business relationship with the company, its parent company, subsidiary, affiliate, or any organization that may have conflicts unless the foregoing status ended at least 2 years prior to the date of submitting the application to the SEC.            The business relationship mentioned under the first paragraph shall include business transaction in ordinary business manner of rent, or lease the immovable property, transaction related to assets or services, or the financial support regardless of being lent or borrowed, guaranteed, secured, by assets, debt, and any otherwise similar performance which causes liability or obligation to the applicant or counter party, have provided that such liability is equal to or exceed 3% of the net tangible assets of the applicant or equal or above Baht20 million, whichever is lower. In this regard, the calculation of such liability shall be in accordance with the calculation method of the value of connected transaction under the Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board governing the conditions of connected transaction mutatis mutandis. The liabilities incurred during a period of 1 year prior to the date of having business relationship with the above party shall be included on calculation of such liabilities. (e)      Is not or has never been the auditor of the company, parent company, subsidiary, affiliate, or any organization that may have conflicts of interest, except in the case that the aforementioned status has been terminated unless the foregoing status ended at least 2 years prior to the date of submitting the application to the SEC. (f)       Is not or has never been the professional service provider, including but not limited to legal service or financial advisor with received service fee more than Baht2 million per year from the company, parent company, subsidiary, affiliate, or any organization that may have conflicts unless the foregoing status ended at least 2 years prior to the date of submitting the application to the SEC. (g)      Is not the Director who is nominated to be the representative of Directors of company, major shareholders, or any other shareholder related to the major shareholders. (h)      Is not any otherwise which is unable to have the independent opinion regarding the business operation of the company. Appointment Process        1)    In case of vacancy due to retirement by rotation        In case of vacancy due to retirement by rotation, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee will consider recruiting and selecting qualified candidates as directors in order to propose opinions to the Board of Directors’ meeting and to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for further approval of the election. In case of re-election for another term, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee will consider various factors, including the results of the performance, history of attendance, and participation in the meeting. In the case of independent directors, the Committee will consider expressing their opinions independently in the meeting. The procedures for the appointement directors as follows Proposed qualified nominee to be elected as a director of the company. The Nomination and remuneration committee will consider nominee as director to propose to the board of directors to consider before proposed to the shareholders’ meeting. Each shareholder has number of vote equal to the number of shares held Each shareholder must use all their votes to elect candidate to be a director but cannot divide the vote. The nominee shall be ranked by shareholder’s vote and appointed as director. In the case when nominees have equal vote. The chairman of the board of directors is a deciding to elect these nominees to be as a director.        2)    In the event of a vacancy due to any reason other than retirement        The Nomination and Remuneration Committee will nominate qualified candidates as directors to propose to the meeting of the Board of Directors for approval of their appointment as directors to fill the vacancy. The person who becomes the replacement director shall be able to remain in the position only for the remainder of the current director’s term. The resolution to appoint such a replacement director shall receive a majority of the votes in the resolution of the meeting, unless the term of the director is less than 2 months. It shall be proposed to the general meeting of shareholders to approve the appointment of directors to fill the vacant position. vacant position. In 2023, there were no minority shareholders nominating persons to be considered for directorship, no resignation of directors or appointment of new persons to directorship, no resignation of independent directors or appointment of new persons as independent directors during the year, no case of resignation of the entire group of independent directors, and no resignation of independent directors due to the issue of corporate governance of the Company. In addition, the Company complied with the rules and procedures for the appointment of directors as specified. (2)      Selecting Executives The Nomination and Remuneration committee is assigned to recruit for the Chief Executive Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer to propose to the Board of Directors for consideration and appointed Referring to the topic no.7.3 the Nomination and Remuneration Committee’s duties and responsibilities. (3)      Board self-assessment Every year, after the annual business operation comes to an end, all directors must assess work performance of each director. Each director must assess his or her own performance by referring to the SET performance assessment form. The director will then notify the results to the board of directors who will engage in further assessment to find a practical solution in order to develop potentials and skills necessary for the individual to improve their overall performances. The board of directors must also review how each director perform his or her roles and must preemptively prevent any mishap or misconduct that may arise and damage or undermine staffs’ performance or decision making on any issue. Criteria for evaluation for Self-Assessment to evaluate entire of the board of directors, Self-Assessment to evaluate subcommittees and Self-Assessment to evaluate individual director  cover the following essential points; Board and subcommittee structure and qualifications. Board Meeting. Roles, duties and responsibilities of the Board and subcommittees. Others, such as relations with the management, directors’ self-development, and executive development. Scoring system for Self-Assessment to evaluate entire of the board of directors, Self-Assessment to evaluate subcommittees and Self-Assessment to evaluate individual director  divided as,  >80%=excellent, >60%=good, >40%=fair, >20%=improvement need and less than 20%=not in action in that topic. In the Board of directors meeting No.1/2024 on February 22, 2024, the summary of this assessment was presented to the Board as follows; 1)      Self-Assessment to evaluate entire of the board of directors which has topics as the structure and qualification of the directors, the roles and responsibilities, the meeting, the duty and acting, the relationships with the management and the skill development of the director and the executive. The assessment process is for all directors to be assessed. The overall assessment is excellent. Topics Results 2023 1. The structure and qualification of the directors 93.80% 2. The roles and responsibilities of the directors 92.78% 3. The meeting of the directors 97.84% 4. The duty and acting of the directors 96.43% 5. The relationships with the management 96.67% 6. The skill development of the director and the executive 87.50% Average 93.83%   2)      Self-Assessment to evaluate sub-committees which has topics as the structure and qualification of the sub-committees, the meeting, the roles responsibilities and duty. The assessment process is made by directors who hold positions on the sub-committees. The overall assessment is excellent. Topics Results 2023 1. The structure and qualification of the sub-committees 93.65% 2. The meeting of the sub-committees 97.62% 3. The roles responsibilities and duty of the sub-committees       3.1 The Audit and Risk Management Committee 98.96%     3.2 The Nomination and Remuneration Committee 100%     3.3 The Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development Committee 97.50%     3.4 The Executive Committee 87.50% Average 95.87%   3)      Self-Assessment to evaluate individual director which has topics as the structure and qualification of the directors, Sub-Committee Meeting, the roles and responsibilities. The assessment process is for all directors to be assessed. The overall assessment is excellent. Topics Results 2023 1. The structure and qualification of the directors 96.03% 2. The meeting of the sub-committees 93.06% 3. The roles responsibilities and duty 91.67% Average 93.58%   Meeting attendance and remuneration for individual committees 1)      Attendance at the Board of directors’ meeting and sub-committees The company determines and subsequently announces about a meeting among the Board of directors in advance. The meeting will be held once for every business quarter. There might also be additional meeting(s) if it is deemed as necessary. The agenda of such meeting shall be clearly determined prior to the meeting itself. There might also arise an occasion in which the results and work performance are checked upon. On such occasion, the Company Secretary will send an official letter of invitation, along with the meeting’s agenda to each director 7 days prior to the actual meeting. This is to make certain that all directors have the time needed to ponder and examine the relevant information, be sufficiently prepared and arrive at the meeting ready to discuss the issues or problems. During the Board of directors meeting, all directors can express their opinions freely. All things discussed shall be put down in writing. Afterwards, the records already approved by the Board of directors will be passed on to director of company which shall further investigate and proofread before giving their final approvals. Normally, a meeting lasts for approximately 3 hours. In addition, the company will delegate a Company Secretary and Legal Consultants who shall suggest or recommend on legal matters and other related regulations, oversee the board of directors activities, and coordinate with all associates to ensure that all practices comply with the board of director’s decisions. A meeting of the Board of Directors without the presence of the Executive Directors, executives, and management has been formally scheduled one time in advance to allow the directors to express their opinions and suggestions on the work of the Executive Directors and the management. The Company Secretary will take note of the meeting and keep the minutes of the meeting, as well as summarizing the significant information from the meeting to inform the Executive Committee and the Chief Executive Officer in order to proceed or review and present the results to the Board of Directors’ meeting. The company’s regulations state that in attending meetings, the members of the board of directors or other sub-committee must be present no less than two third (2/3) of the entire body and a resolution must be approved by a majority of the directors attending the meeting. In 2023, the rate of attendance can be summarized as follows; Name Number of meetings attended / Numbers of meetings Year 2023 The Audit and Risk Management Committee 4 meetings (Phycisal meeting) The Nomination and Remuneration Committee 1 meeting (Phycisal meeting) The Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development Committee 4 meetings (E-meeting) The Executive Committee 12 meetings (Phycisal meeting) The Board of directors 4 meetings (Hybrid meeting) The Meeting between directors without Executive directors, Executives and Management (1 Time) (Hybrid meeting) Shareholder’s meeting 1 meeting (E-AGM) Mr.Banphot Hongthong  - 1/1 (100%) - - 4/4 (100%) 1/1 (100%) 1/1 Mr.Nopporn Picha  4/4 (100%) 1/1 (100%) - - 4/4 (100%) 1/1 (100%) 1/1 Mr.Paiboon Kujareevanich   4/4 (100%) - - - 4/4 (100%) 1/1 (100%) 1/1 Mr.Saravut Menasavet 4/4 (100%) - - - 4/4 (100%) 1/1 (100%) 1/1 Mr.Takon Tawintermsup - - - 12/12 (100%) 4/4 (100%) - 1/1 Mr.Chusak Prachayangprecha - 1/1 (100%) - 12/12 (100%) 4/4 (100%) - 1/1 Mr.Karoon Nuntileepong - - 4/4 (100%) - 4/4 (100%) 1/1 (100%) 1/1 Mr.Kitti Chatlekhavanich - - - - 4/4 (100%) 1/1 (100%) 1/1 Mr.Songridth Niwattisaiwong - - 4/4 (100%) - 4/4 (100%) 1/1 (100%) 1/1 Mr.Rachoj Tawintermsup - - - - 4/4 (100%) - 1/1 Average 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2)      Remuneration for Directors    The Company has policy for remunerating its Directors with clarity and transparency. The Board of Directors considered the remuneration and meeting allowance for director by compared with other similar business and suitable for the job with adequacy and maintain Directors who are qualified and experienced and took into account commensuration with duties and assigned responsibilities and the operating performance. Therefore the other benefit is not paid to directors, apart from the remuneration and meeting allowance for director only. According to Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2023 held on April 27, 2023. The meeting approved director’s remuneration and the meeting allowance for the year 2023 as follows; The meeting allowance for year 2023 which was equaled from the previous year Meeting allowance Baht/Person/time Position 2023 2022 The Board of directors Chairman 30,000 30,000   Member 25,000 25,000 The Audit and Risk Management Committee Chairman 30,000 30,000   Member 25,000 25,000 The Nomination and Remuneration Committee Chairman 25,000 25,000   Member 20,000 20,000 The Executive Committee Chairman 30,000 30,000   Member 25,000 25,000 The Corporate Governance and Sustainable Chairman 25,000 25,000 Development Committee Member 20,000 20,000  (2)  Director’s remuneration for year 2023 was equaled from previous year which chairman of the board of directors will distribute accordingly. Detail 2023 2022 Director’s remuneration 4,500,000 Baht 4,500,000 Baht 3)      Remuneration for Directors as of December 31, 2023. Name The meeting allowance (Baht) The director’s remuneration in 2022 (1) Total The Audit and Risk Management Committee (4 meetings) The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (1 meeting) The Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development Committee (4 meetings) The Executive Committee (12 meetings) The Board of directors (4 meetings) Mr.Banphot Hongthong Independent Director - 25,000 - - 120,000 562,500 707,500 Mr.Nopporn Picha Independent Director 120,000 20,000 - - 100,000 517,500 757,500 Mr.Paiboon Kujareevanich Independent Director 100,000 - - - 100,000 427,500 627,500 Mr.Saravut Menasavet Independent Director 100,000 - - - 100,000 427,500 627,500 Mr.Takon Tawintermsup Director - - - 360,000 100,000 427,500 887,500 Mr.Chusak Prachayangprecha Director - 20,000 - 300,000 100,000 427,500 847,500 Mr.Karoon Nuntileepong Director - - 100,000 - 100,000 427,500 627,500 Mr.Kitti Chatlekhavanich Director - - - - 100,000 427,500 527,500 Mr.Songridth Niwattisaiwong Director - - 80,000 - 100,000 427,500 607,500 Mr.Rachoj Tawintermsup Director and Executive - - - - 100,000 427,500 527,500 Total 320,000 65,000 180,000 660,000 1,020,000 4,500,000 6,745,000 Remark    1)   The Annual General Meeting of Shareholding No 1/2023 held on April 27, 2023 approved the budget for director’s remuneration which was limit of Baht 4,500,000. It was increased from previous year and not had other benefits. The chairman of the board of directors could distribute accordingly. The allocation and payment was due in February 2024. Other remuneration for Directors In 2013, issued ESOP#1 to Directors and Employees of the company and its subsidiary (details as topic 1.5 Issuance of other securities). In 2014 to 2023, has not given other remuneration or issued ESOP. Remuneration Policy for Executive Directors and Executives 1)      Remuneration of Executive Directors and Chief Financial Officer          The remuneration policy of the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Remuneration and fixed benefits are salaries based on duties, responsibilities, experience, skills, and expertise. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee annually reviews the remuneration, including the salary increment and bonus, and presents it to the Board of Directors for approval. Compensation in the form of other benefits or special benefits, such as health insurance, accident insurance, travel insurance, a provident fund, a position car, and other welfare that corresponds to the performance. 2)      Remuneration of The Management          The remuneration policy of the management must be consistent with the Company’s performance in both the short and long term, namely Short Term For returns in the form of an annual bonus, the annual bonus payout rate will consider the Company’s overall goals and profits by using a measurement and evaluation system in the form of key performance indicators (KPIs). Employee wage rate adjustment and position level adjustment are based on the measurement and evaluation system according to the capability or competency of the person. The evaluation will be conducted twice a year, namely at the mid-year and year-end evaluations. The evaluation results will also be analyzed to create a training plan to improve the potential of the management. Other benefits or welfare, such as social security, health insurance, accident insurance, travel insurance, a position car, a provident fund, an annual health check-up, work clothes, and other welfare benefits that correspond to performance, are available as compensation. Long Term Employees have the right to receive compensation in the form of accumulated income. The Company will accrue income according to the base specified for employees who are qualified as specified. Employees will be paid at retirement to focus on promoting and creating sustainable growth for the Company. Long-term returns in the form of the allocation of ESOP warrants to the executives from 2014 to the present. No ESOP warrants have been allocated to the executives yet. 3)        Other remuneration for Executive Directors and Executives            -None- Total remuneration of Executive Director and Executives as of December 31, 2023 Details 2023 2022 2021 Executive Directors and Executives 8 person 9 person 10 person Remuneration meeting allowance, salary, bonus, provident fund, other (retirement compensation) 24.39 MB 27.04 MB 23.33 MB Positioned car 3 person 3 person 3 person Supervision of Subsidiaries and Associated Companies The subsidiary’s management and business operations are carried out under the same policy and management model as the Company. The operating process, decision-making power as well as consideration and approval of various matters will be in accordance with the scope of duties and responsibilities according to the Company’s authority manual. Moreover, some of the directors and executives of the Company have also held director positions of subsidiaries. Therefore, the management process is certainly within the scope of the Company. Furthermore, information on the Company’s financial position will include the financial status of subsidiaries as well. Supervision and Management of Subsidiaries and Associates, The Company will consider appointing a person to represent the Company as a director in proportion to their shareholding in subsidiaries or associated companies or as agreed upon in the agreement and/or appoint executives according to the conditions agreed. The Board of Directors or the Executive Committee of the Company will appoint the mentioned representative. They will consider individuals with appropriate qualifications and experience, free of conflicts of interest with the business of subsidiaries or associated companies that the Company has invested in and they will not have any prohibited characteristics or lack trustworthiness according to the law or related regulations. In this regard, for the management of business in which the Company has the expertise, the Company will send personnel to represent the Company in the position of a director and/or an executive to take part in the management, including setting policies and management guidelines in accordance with the Company’s work plans along with monitoring and controlling the work to be in accordance with the set work plans. In management in other businesses that the Company does not have expertise, the Company will send a representative in the position of a director instead of going into direct administration. The person who has been appointed as the representative of the Company must perform duties as a director and/or management of a subsidiary or associated company with responsibility. The person is expected to supervise and monitor the business operations of subsidiaries or associated companies to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and rules. In addition, persons who represent the Company must prevent all related persons, including parents, siblings, children, adopted children, spouses or cohabitants as husband and wife of the representative, from using the Company’s inside information and that of subsidiaries and affiliates for their own benefit or that of others that is beyond the interests of the Company, subsidiaries and associated companies.

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Prevention of conflicts of interest and insider

Prevention of conflicts of interest and insider Regarding the use of internal information, the company observes and abides by the principles of good business management as stated in the company’s Code of Conduct ( and the Board of directors, Executives and Employees Duties and Responsibilities Manual which are both given to all Directors, Executives and employee on their first day of work. The following is a short summary for a number of important policies written in the manuals. 1)      The company determines that all directors, executives and employees must sign and acknowledge any related announcements from the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which specify that all directors and executives of the company must report any change in shareholding of the company to SEC in accordance with Provision 59 of The Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 within 3 days after the change in shareholding. 2)      The company has a policy which states that Director and Executives must notify about the trading of the company’s stocks at least 1 day prior to the actual transaction so that the Audit committee can investigate on the matter through Company Secretary and must hand in report on all stakes holders involved every 6 month. Secretary Company must hand in a copy of the report to the head of the Audit and Risk committee afterwards. The directors and executives has a duty to report changes in securities holding to SEC and informing the Company Secretary in order to record the changes and summarize securities of individual directors and executives to report to the Board of Directors. 3)      The company determines that no employee can disclose financial information or other information that can affect the company’s stocks’ prices to the outsiders or stakeholders. The company also prohibits selling and purchasing of stocks during the 1 month period in which any financial information or other confidential details may affect the prices of the company’s stocks. Any company’s subsidiaries that choose to disclose such information to the general public must not sell or purchase the company stocks until 24 hours after the information disclosure. Violation of these conditions is considered an offense against the company’s disciplines. If a director, an executive or an employee comes to know about the important but confidential information, the individual shall receive a penalty as befits the level of his or her infringement. This can range from warning, salary cut and unpaid suspension to layoff. In addition, the company also determines that director, executive shall report to the Audit Committee about the selling and purchasing of the company’s stocks at least 1 day prior to the actual transaction. The specific details of the selling or purchasing of the company’s stocks shall be collected and passed on to the Company Secretary who would then present the information to the Audit committee to analyze and determine whether the proposed transaction is in line with the company’s policies. Performance for the prevention of the use of internal information and the use of internal information for exploitation Delivered testimonial documents regarding the Company’s Code of Conduct, which specifies any action contrary to the Company’s interests, use of internal information, and disclosure of information of the Company related to stock trading to all directors to review, sign to acknowledge, and agree to comply with the policy every year. Performance:         The Human Resources Management Department submitted a testimonial form regarding the Company’s Code of Conduct to 10 directors, and all directors reviewed, signed to acknowledge, and agreed to comply with the policies. All directors did not act or participate in behavior that is inconsistent with the intention of the Company’s Code of Conduct. Delivered testimonial documents regarding the Company’s Code of Conduct, which specifies any action contrary to the interests of the Company, use of internal information, and disclosure of Company information related to stock trading to executives and employees for acknowledgment every year. Performance:      The Human Resources Management Department sent a certification form on the Code of Conduct to executives and employees throughout the organization, published through the intranet system, and sent a link via email for executives and employees to complete the assessment for review every year. All employees of the organization reviewed, signed, and agreed to fully comply with the policy, representing 100% of the total employees The Company Secretary Department sent an email to the directors and executives to inform them of the Black Period in advance. Performance:        The Company Secretary sent an email to the directors and executives informing them of the Black Period prior to the quarterly financial statement review meeting, and no directors or executives traded securities during the period specified by the Company to refrain from trading. In 2023, directors and executives traded the Company’s securities a total of nine times, and the audit showed that the Company’s policies were fully complied with. Verified the case of a director or senior executive who used to be an employee or partner of an external audit firm that the Company used in the past 2 years. Results                   -No such case- Verified the case the Company’s directors or senior executives are involved in a conflict of interest transaction. Results                   -No such case- Changes in stocks owned by Directors and Executives in 2023 Name Total Stocks owned as of January 1, 2023 Changes during the year Total Stocks owned as of December 31, 2023 Bought Sold Transferrd shares(s) % shares(s) shares(s) shares(s) shares(s) % Director               1. Mr.Banphot Hongtong Independent Director 0   -   -   - 0     Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   2. Mr.Nopporn Picha Independent Director 0   -   -   - 0     Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   3. Mr.Paiboon Kujareevanich Independent Director 0   -   -   - 0     Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   4. Mr.Saravut Menasavet Independent Director 0   -   -   - 0     Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   5. Mr.Takon Tawintermsup Director 9,571,858 1.51 -  -   - 9,571,858 1.51   Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   6. Mr.Chusak Prachayangprecha Director 13,253,181 2.10 -   -   - 13,253,181 2.10   Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   7. Mr.Karoon Nuntileepong Director 95,000  0.02 - -   - 95,000 0.02   Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   8. Mr.Kitti Chatlekhavanich Director 14,359,923 2.27 1,040,000   - - 15,399,923 2.43   Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   9. Mr.Songridth Niwattisaiwong Director 2,831,260 0.45 -   -   - 2,831,260 0.45   Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   10. Mr.Rachoj Tawintermsup Director 5,962,166 0.94 -   -   - 5,962,166 0.94   Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   Executive               11. Mr.Kritbhong Takviriyanan Chief Executive Officer 0   -   -   - 0     Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   12. Mrs.Ratsamee Pongjidanon Chief Financial Officer 0   -   -   - 0     Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   13. Mr.Thawatchai Chomwarn Sale Director 0   -   -   - 0     Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   14. Ms.Nittaya Savekkomet Human Resource Director 0   -   -   - 0     Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   15. Mr. Jaroslaw Marian Kibilda Business Development 0   -   -   - 0     Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   16. Mr.Anorn Rittan Operation Director 0   -   -   - 0     Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   17. Mr.Chumphon Thainukun Factory Director 0   -   -   - 0     Spouses and underage children 0   -   -   - 0   Total share of Director (No.1-10) 46,073,388 7.28 1,040,000   -    - 47,113,388 7.47 Total share of Executive (No.11-17) 0   -   -   - 0   Anti-Corruption Anti-Corruption Management In 2014, the company signed a jointed program among private companies in Thailand as a gesture to fight against corruption. The Chairman of the company acknowledged and participated in the ratification announcement known as ‘Collective Action Coalition’ among all Thai private companies to oppose and fight against every forms of corruptions. The Board of directors had considered and approved counter corruption policies, Link :, protection policies for employees who take the courage to notify about corruption or other forms of misconduct (Whistle Blower Policy), Link : and the policy on gifts receiving or taking unlawful possessions by notifying all parties involved, both internal and external, along with all of the company’s employee to abide by the policies and related regulations.  In 2015, the company shall proceed with notifying outside agencies, trade partners to similarly acknowledge and act in accordance with the aforementioned policies via . The company has been training to all employees to educate and inform about the policies against corruption and make sure that all staffs and employees have better understanding and can act accordingly. In order to implement the policy seriously, the Company and its subsidiaries communicate and publicize their conduct in accordance with the Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy in various courses/channels, for example, training and orientation for new employees, training courses with Company’s rules and regulations, training courses with the Company’s Code of Conduct, training courses on anti-corruption, anti-corruption policy announcements, and policies on protection and fairness to employees informing information or whistleblowing about corruption or failure to comply with laws, rules, regulations, and the Company’s Code of Conduct (Whistleblower Policy). In 2016 the Company has certified as a member of the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption which has to renew in every 3 years. In 2019 the Company received a renew of certified as a member of the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption which has to renew in every 3 years. In 2021, the Company implemented a complaint system that operates independently by an external service provider through the CPI Hotline system: , which is a channel for reporting information/complaints on behalf of “Chumporn Palm Oil Industry Public Company Limited.” In 2022 the Company received a renew of certified as a member of the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption which has to renew in every 3 years. (September 2022 – September 2025) In 2023, the Company changed the complaint channel to be more efficient and effective by switching to the complaint channel via the CPI Hotline on the telephone number 02-034-0284.   Implementation and Monitoring of Anti-corruption Policy Compliance in 2023 The Company established training courses to educate and introduce whistleblowing and complaint channels to all new employees at orientation. The Company provided training, educated and introduced whistleblowing and complaint channels, as well as communicating information to employees at all levels and its subsidiaries on an ongoing basis through annual training courses and disseminating the results of the training operations on the intranet with employees’ signatures for acknowledgment, representing 100% of the total employees. The Internal Audit Office reviewed compliance with the Anti-Corruption Policy, which is set out in the Annual Audit Plan, and non-compliance with the established policies was found. In addition, the Company investigated complaints received through the complaint channels, which found no significant complaints related to corruption, and reported the results to the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Development Committee, the Audit and Risk Management Committee, and the Board of Directors. Whistle Blowe System Blower” system which would allow the company’s employees and all shareholders to notify the company about plausible misconducts, violations of the company’s code of conduct, regulations and other rules concerning working, laws or corruption. The system can help with business operation by keeping it in line with work ethics and sustainable development. Everybody can inform the company about the plausible misconducts via; Complaints can be made directly verbally or written. Through the CPI Hotline system via telephon number 02-034-0284 which is a channel for reporting information/complaints operated independently by an external service provider on behalf of “Chumphon Palm Oil Industry Public Company Limited.” The company website : send to Chairman of Audit and Risk Management Committee E-mail: The Company takes the notification of information/leads on complaints seriously, starting the process of reviewing all facts as soon as possible. Information is kept confidential. Informants are not required to disclose their identity unless they choose to reveal their identity. Additionally, if the informant wants to report on other matters that do not cover the above services, the information can notify the Internal Audit Manager directly.In 2023, the Company investigated complaints received through the complaint channels, which found no significant complaints related to corruption, and reported the results to the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Development Committee, the Audit and Risk Management Committee, and the Board of Directors.  

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Sustainability management in the social dimension

Sustainability management in the social dimension 1)      Human rights policy The Company respects the dignity of employees in the Company’s workplace and the Company will work to ensure that the employees of the Company have the right to personal safety as well as having the right to have a safe workplace that is clean and hygienic. The Company has established a human rights policy with details as follows; Policy on the use of forced labor : The Company does not engage in or support all forms of forced labor and will not request or receive insurance deposits, identity cards, or any other identification documents from employees, whether upon entering work or accepting to work or as a condition of admission to work, unless otherwise exempted by law. The Company will not use physical punishment or threats of violence or other forms of physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal abuse as a disciplinary or controlling measure. Child Labor Policy : The Company will not employ or encourage the recruiting of children under the age of fifteen and will not provide or support child labor to do work that is detrimental to health or in an environment that may pose danger to health and safety. Policy on the use of female labor : The Company must not allow female employees to do work that is harmful to health or body as required by law. The Company must arrange for pregnant female employees to work or be in an environment that is not harmful to the health and safety of pregnancy. The Company will not terminate employment, demote, or reduce the benefits of female employees because of their pregnancy. Discrimination Policy : The Company does not commit or encourage discrimination in employment, wages and work compensation payments, welfare, opportunities for training and development, consideration for promotion, termination, or retirement from work. The Company will not interfere, interrupt, or take any action which affects the exercising of rights or practices of the employees on account of differences in nationality, religion, language, age, gender, marital status, personal sexual orientations, disability, HIV infection, being an AIDS patient, being a union member, being on an employee committee, preferences on political parties, or other personal ideas. Policy on Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining : The Company will respect employees’ rights in association, collective bargaining, selection or election of facilitating representatives, and will treat that representative equally to any other employee. Social responsibility and labor policy : The Company is committed to ensuring that all employees of the Company perform their work with standards under protection and fair treatment on the basis of society and according to the provisions of the labor law on labor protection, labor welfare, labor relations and safety, occupational health and working environment, and related regulations which will be reviewed regularly to develop and improve accordingly. Policy on employee responsibility in relation to harassment and or sexual harassment, including the use of violence against women : The Company has measures to prevent employees of the Company from being harassed and sexually harassed by expression of words, gestures, physical contact or by any other methods, including the use of violence against women. If an employee is threatened and/or being sexually harassed, the Company will take strict disciplinary action against those who violate the Company’s regulations on working. Practices Strictly comply with all laws, regulations, policies, and procedures related to human rights. Regularly review policies, management plans, and follow-up on human rights performance. Disclose the Company’s human rights information accurately and transparently. Educate and support activities raising awareness of human rights. Provide channels for complaints of human rights violations and treatment of workers to find ways to prevent and mitigate their impacts. Impact Assessment The Company conducted a human rights risk assessment and found that in the past year, it did not find any significant human rights risks that could have a serious impact on the Company. However, the Company continued to monitor and conduct human rights risk assessments while complying with relevant regulations as required by law. Complaint Mechanism and Impact Mitigation Measures The Company has established a complaint mechanism and impact mitigation measures that may arise from human rights violations or unfair labor treatment to ensure that the Company’s human rights management is effective in controlling the impact by providing a channel for those affected by dissatisfaction or unfairness to file a complaint through the investigation process and consider the process of settling the complaint, including a fair remedy process for all parties. Whistleblowing Channel The notification channel for violations and complaints is the CPI Hotline system via telephone number 02-034-0284. This is an information/complaint channel service operated independently by an external service provider on behalf of “Chumporn Palm Oil Industry Public Company Limited.” In cases where employees suspect or reasonably believe there is any misconduct or violation, employees can report directly to their supervisors in their respective departments immediately. Alternatively, they may submit complaints to the following individuals: supervisors at all levels, the Director of Internal Audit, the Director of Human Resources Management, the Company Secretary, or the Company’s Board of Directors. Target There are no complaints related to human rights violations. Performance The Company regularly monitors and evaluates operations according to laws, regulations, and procedures related to human rights. The Company appoints representatives of employees to perform work in accordance with the Thai Labor Standards (Mor Ror Tor. 8001), to coordinate and communicate with senior executives, and to take actions related to compliance with the requirements of Thai labor standards. And approved the establishment of Workplace Welfare CommitteeW under the Labor Protection Act B.E.2541 (1998) for supervison, consultation, complaint and discussion for the employees and the Company on welfare, benefits or changes in rules and regulations that impact employees.  In 2023, the Company had no human rights complaints. Major human rights disputes over the past three years The Company has not had a major human rights dispute in the last 3 years. Holiday Rights Information Details Unit legal rights Rights that the Company given to employees 2023 2022 2021 The number of days for child support for female employees days 98 98 98 98 employees taking maternity leave and receiving child support persons   4 12 4 Employees returning to work after taking maternity leave and receiving child support persons   4 11 3 Employees returning to work after taking maternity leave and receiving child support and continuing to work for the Company for a period of 12 months persons   4 11 3 Traditional holidays   days not less than 13 days per year 16 16 16  Annual vacation   days not less than 6 days per year 6-12  6-10 6-10  Business leave days 3 6 6 6   2)      Recruitment policy, compensation and benefits management, development and treatment of employees The Company believes that the employees of the Company are valuable resources and are one of the main factors that will lead the Company to achieving its goals and success. The Company treats employees fairly based on human rights principles and take the employees’ needs into consideration to create a good relationship between employees and the Company. The Company aims to support and promote the development of knowledge, competence, skills as well as continuously enhancing of the potential of employees at all levels while managing to achieve stability and progress in the career of employees. Practices Recruit with an efficient selection system and employment conditions that are equal and fair to acquire employees who are fully qualified, of quality and honesty that meet the standards required by the Company. Evaluate performance and manage remuneration based on the suitability of roles, duties and responsibilities and the competence of individual employees. Provide fair and proper welfare to employees, including taking care and improving welfare to be appropriate and up to date in line with the performance of the Company and the conditions of the economic, social and employment market in the same industry. To provide the development to employees of all levels and lines of professions thoroughly, sufficiently, and continuously on the basis and the suitability of roles, duties and responsibilities. The Company will cultivate employees to have a sense of morality, volunteer spirit, conservation of nature, community, and environment, and to be aware of anticorruption of all forms. Promote and foster a culture of teamwork to build unity and solidarity of the organization along with cultivating and creating awareness among employees to have work discipline. Cultivate employees awareness and encourage employees to perform their work in a safe and hygienic manner. Create a good working environment and conditions so that employees can work happily as if they were a family and are able to manage the balance between work life and personal life appropriately. Ensure management is done according to the standards of the occupational health and safety management system, including an environmental management system in line with international standards for the superior quality of life of employees. To care for employees thoroughly, equally, and fairly, to honor, respect and protect the personal rights of employees from being violated to support and promote the right of expression and expressing opinions of employees, as well as to consider and respect the difference in their point of views. Provide a complaint system and various channels for whistleblowing of behaviors that are inconsistent with the Company’s code of conduct or all forms of corruption. In addition, there is a system to protect such employees or complainants from being harassed, punished, or suffering from complaints (Whistleblower Policy). Promote and provide various channels for disseminating information and news to employees in order for employees to acquire information so that they have the knowledge and understanding of business operations and are informed of the Company’s business performance on a regular basis. Target There is no complaints related to labor. Performance The Company has recruited with a selection system and has conditions for efficient, equitable, and fair employment. The Company evaluates performance and administers remuneration by considering the suitability of the roles, duties, responsibilities, and abilities of employees individually, and all employees are developed at all levels. In 2023, the Company has no labor complaints Major labor disputes in the past 3 years The company has not had a major labor dispute in the last 3 years. Employees as December 31,2023 Level Male Female Total persons (%) persons) (%) persons (%) Employees at Bangkok Office               Executive and Manager 9 0.98 9 0.98 18 1.96   Supervisor 2 0.22 5 0.55 7 0.77   Professional staff 13 1.42 23 2.51 36 3.93   Operational staff 7 0.77 2 0.22 9 0.99 Employees at Chumporn Office               Executive and Manager 7 0.77 5 0.55 12 1.32   Supervisor 27 2.95 13 1.42 40 4.37   Professional staff 34 3.72 36 3.93 70 7.65   Operational staff 476 52.02 247 26.99 723 79.01 Total 575 62.85 340 37.15 915 100  Employee data by age range Age Male Female Total persons (%) persons) (%) persons (%) 50 years old and above 80  16.95 44 4.81 132 14.43  30-50 years old and above 318 60.45 191 20.87 509 55.62  Less than 30 years old 169 22.60 105 11.48 274 29.95 Total 575 56.84 340 37.16 915 100 In 2023, the Company is required to employ 9 disabled employees (according to the number of employees as of October 1, 2022, with a total of 915 employees). The Company has hired four disabled employees at the operational level and has completely sent money to the Fund for Promotion and Development of the Life of Persons with Disabilities in the amount of 598,600 baht. Remark:        According to the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Act (No. 2) B.E. 2556 (2013) Article 33: Employers or business operators and government units shall employ persons with disabilities according to the nature of work in the ratio of 1 disabled person per 100 Article 34: Employers or business operators who fail to employ persons with disabilities according to Article 33 shall contribute money to the fund at the minimum wage rate multiplied by 365 days and the number of disabled persons they are required to employ. New employee for 2023 Level Male Female Total persons (%) persons (%) persons (%) Employees at Bangkok Office               Executive and Manager 3 2.26 2 1.50 5 3.76   Supervisor Professional staff 0 7 0.00 5.26 0 9 0.00 6.77 0 16 0.00 12.03   Operational staff 0 0.00 1 0.75 1 0.75   Disabled 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Employees at Chumporn Office               Executive and Manager 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00   Supervisor Professional staff 0 11 0.00 8.27 1 7 0.75 5.26 1 18 0.75 13.53   Operational staff 61 45.86 31 23.31 92 69.17   Disabled 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Total 82 61.65 51 38.34 133 100 Employee resignations in 2023 Level Male Female Total persons (%) persons (%) persons (%) Employees at Bangkok Office               Executive and Manager 2 1.53 2 1.53 4 3.81   Supervisor Professional staff 0 6 0.00 4.58 0 14 0.00 10.69 0 20 0.00 19.05   Operational staff 1 0.76 1 0.76 2 1.90   Disabled 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Employees at Chumporn Office               Executive and Manager 3 2.29 1 0.76 4 3.81   Supervisor Professional staff 4 6 3.05 4.58 0 6 0.00 4.58 4 12 3.81 11.43   Operational staff 48 36.64 37 28.24 85 80.95   Disabled 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Total 70 53.44 61 45.56 131 100 Employee Relationship Promotion and Retention The Company encourages the participation of employees at all levels and sectors through various forms of activities, such as Town Hall Meeting for employees to meet and exchange ideas between employees and senior management and Walk Rally for employees to work together as a team. After the sudden changes caused by the COVID-19 crisis, the Company has strengthened its strategy to retain talented employees within the organization. This starts from the first day of work by educating employees, regularly communicating with employees, executives, and organizational leaders, encouraging employees at all levels to develop themselves and adapt to the changing business environment, and building engagement within the organization to retain employees, which is an important resource in driving sustainable business growth. Practices Rewarding and giving good praise are positive motivators that make employees feel motivated to do their work and that what has been done is correct according to the Company’s methodology. Giving employees opportunities to suggest methods and ideas to get involved in the work so that they feel that they are part of the Company’s success. Organizing an onboarding program for new employees to learn and understand the production process from upstream to downstream, as well as the essence of the business they are working with. Increasing online communication channels so that employees at all levels can access information, make complaints, or seek advice anytime and anywhere. Communicating to enable employees to understand and see their career growth path to the path of becoming corporate executives. Practices In 2023, the Company implemented the following: Organized the professional palm plantation management programs as part of the Onboarding Program in order to enable employees to learn and understand the source and maintenance of palm plantations to provide the highest quality yield. Created a communication channel via Line OA under the name “CPI Connext” as a communication channel accessible to all employees. Organized activities to communicate with talent pool employees to understand their career development path and growth path to management positions in the organization. Organized a Town Hall Meeting by selecting a group of operational-level employees to participate in listening and exchanging ideas between employees and the management. Organized a Walk Rally to build relationships with employees and give employees the opportunity to express their likes and dislikes within the organization for further improvement. Resignation Rate of Full-time Employees The annual turnover rate of employees as of December 31, 2023, was 11.48% which was decreased from previous year 12.43% . In 2024, the Human Resources Management Department has a plan to organize employee relations activities to build employee engagement with the organization and build teamwork skills between departments, including planning the employee engagement survey to know the views of employees on the Company, and factors affecting employee engagement and satisfaction, in order to use these data to create a plan to improve the internal management system to be more effective and help reduce resignation rates. Details Units 2023 2022 Total number of employees voluntarily resigned persons 105 107 Percentage of total number of employees voluntarily resigned to all employees % 11.48 12.43 Number of male employees voluntarily resigned persons 61 64 Percentage of male employees voluntarily resigned % 6.67 12.05 Number of female employees voluntarily resigned persons 44 43 Percentage of female employees voluntarily resigned % 4.81 13.03 Significant labor disputes to the business yes / no no no 3)      Policy for training development for directors, executives and employees. The Company realizes and recognizes the value of personnel at all levels from their first step of entering to work in the organization. Therefore, the Company places importance to human resource development and continually promotes the growth of employees at all levels with a variety of human resource development approaches. A suitable annual training plan is set for the Board of directos, the management and employees at various levels including the importance of preparing successors to support important positions that will be retired within 5 years within the organization. It is also to provide opportunities for internal personnel to learn and grow. Furthermore, the Company emphasizes regular training to provide knowledge on skills used in the production process and in the area of occupational safety. Such personnel development is conducted as training both inside and outside of the organization in order to promote personnel to have skills, knowledge, ability, and to be ready to drive the organization towards the target goals. In addition, the Company places importance on training and instilling employees of all levels to be aware of the anti-corruption issue. It is the main policy that must be operated and reviewed to be carried out on a regular and continuous basis. Operational framework for sustainable development of employee skills and career opportunities Emphasis on the recruitment of personnel whose attributes align with the work and corporate values, including preparing them before becoming employees. Developing the capability of the personnel after being appointed as employees. Development of high-potential personnel and future succession planning. Evaluation of the implementation of employee capabilities development. Care and opportunities for retired personnel. The Process of developing high-potential employees Selection of employees who meet the primary criteria. Capacity assessment. Performance summary. Report on selection results and capacity development plan. Assessment and monitoring of development progress. Reporting the development progress to the Board. Performance in the Past Year In 2023, the Company provided internal and external training to employees at all levels to foster comprehensive employee potential development and organized a Leadership Development Program to prepare executives, who are the key forces of the Company to deal with future challenges. Training for Director in 2023 -None- Hours of training for employees Details Units 2023 2021 2021 Hours of training Hours 23,089 11,637 6,033 Hour goal Hours/Person/Year 6 6 6 Average Hours Hours/Person/Year 29.12 15.70 8.82 By gender         Male Hours/Person/Year 17.79 12.99 5.03 Femaie Hours/Person/Year 11.32 14.36 12.55 Level         Executive and Manager Hours/Person/Year 2.94 17.68 9.70 Supervisor Hours/Person/Year 6.37 50.85 15.96 Supervisor Hours/Person/Year 19.80 9.86 5.87 Training expenese Baht/year 1,975,757 519,944 114,310 Remark :   The training courses include the following: Personal Data Protection Law, Occupational Safety and Health, and Environmental Conditions at Work, Knowledge of Corporate Business, Production Processes, ISO, GMP, HACCP, RSPO, Policies and Practices regarding Anti-Corruption Measures, Corporate Ethics, Leadership Development Program (LDP) courses such as LDP 102 Excellent Manager, Communication for High Performance, Introduction to FSSC 22000 V.6 Requirements, Proper Use and Maintenance of the Hook Lift, Effective Meeting and Communication, etc. Successor Development Training in 2023 The Company prioritizes the creation of successors to accommodate important positions that are about to retire by dividing them into two groups: urgent groups that will retire within 3–5 years and continuous positions. The Company will select high-potential employees within the organization to provide internal personnel with opportunities to learn and grow at their professional level to become executives of the organization. In 2023, the Company developed a new tool to be used in the recruitment process for successors. There were meetings of the management to clarify the assessment process and individual development planning for successors. The meeting is set to be held on a quarterly basis to monitor and evaluate the development of successors, and a summary report must be regularly prepared to be presented to the Executive Committee. Successor Supervisory Executive Total Urgent Positions(potential employees for development to replace employees who are retiring within the next 3–5 years) 11 persons 7 persons 18 persons Ongoing Positions (potential employees for development in executive or supervisory positions) 18 persons 11 persons 29 persons   4)      Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Policy         The Company is concerned for the life and health of all employees, including the environment and community. So, in order to clarify the practices and use them as a guideline for operation in safety, occupational health and environment to maximize the benefit, the Company has established the policy on safety, occupational health and environment at work as follows; 1)    Safety, occupational health, and environment is the responsibility of the employees at all levels to be taken seriously. 2)    Communicate and disseminate information and support operations on safety, occupational health and environment to create the right understanding among the operators, involved parties and stakeholders. 3)    Strictly comply with the laws and regulations on safety, occupational health, and environment as part of the work. It is everyone’s duty to be involved in safety operations. 4)    Take actions to ensure that all operations are safe, with a good working environment and suitable for employees, trade partners and the community. 5)    Strengthen good relations with the community and stakeholders both inside and outside the organization. Target, accidents of employees to the strike must be “zero”: In 2023, there was one work stoppage due to an accident. The corrective measures for the causes of the accident have been successfully implemented. Performance in 2023: 1)    The Company established the Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment Committee in accordance with the Ministerial Regulations to set standards for the management of safety, occupational health, and the working environment B.E. 2549 (2006). Executives were appointed to represent employers and employees to represent employees to consider work safety policies and plans to prevent and reduce accidents for employees and third parties who come to work, and to promote and support safety activities and training, as well as appropriately organized activities promoting employee welfare2)    The Company has focused on the main tasks and campaigns to promote and raise awareness for all employees in the organization to participate in safety and the environment by adhering to the principles of compliance with the requirements of relevant laws and customer requirements to ensure safety, occupational health, and the environment, as well as providing regular training on safety, occupational health, and the environment. Moreover, the Company allowed external agencies to assess whether safety and occupational health are carried out in accordance with the law or not, as well as monitor the corrective actions. 3)    The Company conducts fire drills on a monthly basis due to the impact on life and property for both employees and the Company. The drills provide employees with expertise, knowledge, and understanding in the use of firefighting tools and equipment, as well as processes that will help them work together in the event of a fire. 4)    The Company remains aware of and focuses on being free from an accident in various aspects, whether it is caused by working with machinery or by fire, which is an incident that has a significant impact on the Company, employees, and surrounding communities. In 2023, the Company reviewed and improved the safety work by conducting the 5S assessment in the organization in order to make the work area more pleasant and reduce the risk of accidents due to unsafe working areas. The assessment was conducted every month, and the results of corrective actions were monitored. Action               :      Analyze and investigate the cause of the accident to lead to corrective measures and prevent the problem from recurring along with preparing an incident report and actions taken as preventative or corrective methods. Improvement    :      Improve the measures for fire prevention and other emergencies that may occur within the Company, including measures to take care of environmental issues that may affect employees and surrounding communities. The QR code system has been developed to be used to verify and monitor risk areas in each department to reduce the risk of incidents.                          :      Act to correct various risk points within the Company area to reduce the risk of accidents or incidents. Monitoring        :      Incorporate the policy as an organizational key performance indicator (KPI), set a target for accidents and environmental issues in the organization goals and set a measure of performance (KPI) of the organization on a monthly basis and report to the management’s acknowledgment. Training on safety, occupational health and environment in 2023 Course Target Total Training hours Safety for Supervisor Supervisor level 47 person 12 Hrs. 47 person Safety forAdministrative Executive level 24 person 12 Hrs. 24 person OIC Act for employees Employees 724 person 6 Hrs. 724 person Work accident. Detail Units 2022 2021 2020 Working day Days 365 365 365 Machine Operation Hours 200,000 200,000 200,000 An accident         Male Persons 2 8 5 Femail Persons 0 0 0 Absence due to accident         Male Persons 0 1 5 Female Persons 0 0 0 Loss of organs or disability due to accident         Male Persons 0 0 0 Female Persons 0 0 0 Fatal accident         Male Persons 0 0 0 Femail Persons 0 0 0 Fires Times 0 0 0 Disputes over the treatment of creditors over the past 3 years. The Company has not had any major creditor treatment disputes in the past three years. 5)      Creditor’s treatment policy. The Company has a policy of treating creditors with equality, fairness, and transparency by strictly adhering to various conditions as follows: The Company has treated all creditors of the Company with equality, fairness, and transparency without taking advantage of the Company’s creditors. The Company does not use fraudulent methods or conceal any vital information or facts that may cause damage to creditors. The Company complies with the terms of the various agreements that have been made with all types of creditors strictly and honestly, especially regarding guarantee conditions, capital management and in the event of a default. Repay the loan with interest to all types of creditors completely and on the agreed deadline. The Target of the Number of Complaints from Creditors is “Zero” In 2023, the Company did not receive any complaint from creditors. Performance in the Past Year The Company could pay debts to creditors according to the conditions and within the specified period. It could strictly comply with the terms and conditions of the contract and financial commitments, including repayment of principal, interest, and other collateral under the relevant contract. There was no use of dishonest methods to conceal information or facts that may have caused damage to creditors. In the event of the Company’s failure to comply with any of the conditions, the Company will promptly notify the creditors in advance in order to jointly seek solutions. Disputes over the treatment of creditors over the past 3 years. The Company has not had any major creditor treatment disputes in the past three years.    6)      Policy on treatment of customers, service providers and competitors. The Company has a policy of treating customers, service providers and competitors with equality, fairness, and transparency by strictly adhering to the various conditions as follows; The Company believes in the free trading and free competition system; thus, the Company strictly abides by all laws related to trade and business operations. The Company does not support invasive economic activities including conducting businesses that are unfair, unethical, and illegal in all forms. The Company has established clear and concrete guidelines that are to be practiced equally when dealing with all customers, business partners and competitors, based on facts and reasons. This is to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in all cases. Less than 10 customer complaints goal in 2023. There were nine customer complaints on the record which was still within the goal limit. The company conducted a meeting to identify the errors and preventive measures to reduce customer complaints. For the four complaints, the company already investigated and sent replacement products according to the amount of damage under the company’s responsibility. Guidelines for Developing Customer Satisfaction The Sales and Marketing Department sends an annual satisfaction assessment form to customers to make an assessment on the sales staff’s services, packaging, and product quality and standards, the transport driver’s service, transportation quality, and the services of accountants. The form is used to gather information, opinions, problems, and recommendations from customers to be used as a guideline to improve and develop products, services, and work systems in each department and each process to meet the maximum needs and expectations of customers. Customer Satisfaction Assessment The Sales and Marketing Department sent an assessment form to each group of customers with 193 targets. 191 respondents were surveyed. In the past year, customers were satisfied with the Company at 88.99%, which is the average satisfaction with the product and packaging at 90.87%, which is higher than the previous year in terms of oil and packaging quality. Service satisfaction was 88.62%, an increase from 0.68% the previous year. Detail Units 2023 2022 2021 The customer satisfaction index % 88.99 88.01 87.18 Number of complaints regarding product defects Case 9 9 4 Number of complaints regarding health and safety issues Case 0 0 0 Number of complaints regarding sales and marketing communication Case 0 0 0 Number of complaints regarding personal or customer information leaks Case 0 0 0 Number of complaints regarding legal compliance Case 0 0 0 Treatment disputes over customers, service providers and competitors over the past three years. The Company has had no disputes over the treatment of customers, service providers and major competitors in the past 3 years. 7)      Policy for using copyrighted software packages. The Company has a policy to pay close attention to the principles of good governance in business operations. This includes compliance with the rules for using software packages that are valid by copyright. In order to perform according to such good governance principles, the Company has issued the following guidelines; Remove some software programs from the employees’ computers. Survey and improve the number of programs in the Company’s information system to be adequate, suitable, and consistent with the transactions of the Company. This is to ensure that all computers of the Company only contain the software that has been purchased under the license by the Company. The Company does not encourage employees to use/adopt software packages that violate the copyright of the Company’s computers. This is a serious offense under law and may cause damage to the organization in the future. If any employee violates this regulation and uses pirated programs in the workplace with the Company’s computer, that employee will be subject to disciplinary action by the Company. The employee shall also take responsibility personally if the copyright owner takes any legal actions. Target No employees bring unlicensed software packages to use on the Company’s computers. Performance in the Past Year The Information System Department annually monitors the use of programs on employees’ computers. There was the installation of a system to determine the installation of programs. When the system is installed on the Company’s computers, there will be an encryption system to allow the installation by the information officer every time the programs are installed. Disputes over the use of prefabricated programs have not been copyrighted in the last 3 years. The Company has had no dispute over the use of major non-licensed finished programs in the past 3 years. 8)      Privacy Policy          The Company recognizes the importance of the protection of personal information, which is a fundamental right to privacy that must be protected in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 (2017) and to ensure that the Company’s operations comply with the international principles of personal information protection and the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019), while also being in line with the principles of good corporate governance.          The Company has strictly followed the relevant regulations by appointing a personal data controller to make decisions about the collection, use, or disclosure of personal data. Providing the security measures for personal data are provided to prevent others from using or disclosing personal information, and the Personal Information Protection Office will be notified in the case of a personal data violation. Target The Company was not prosecuted for infringement of personal data rights. Performance in the Past Year The Company conducted training and educated employees at all levels on the personal data protection policy, along with coordinating with all agencies to express its intention to employees, customers, partners, or persons related to the business in regard to the preservation of personal data rights of customers, partners, or persons related to the Company’s business to ensure that the Company does not disclose the information of employees, customers, partners, or persons related to the business to other persons. In the event that the Company is required to disclose personal information, it must obtain the consent of employees, customers, partners, or persons related to the Company’s business in all cases. Dispute Regarding Violation of Personal Data Disclosure Rights in the Past 3 Years: The company has not been involved in any disputes related to the violation of personal data disclosure rights in the past 3 years. 9)      Social responsibility policy. The Company has operated the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project continuously under the business development of sustainable growth coupled with care for the environment and the safety of the community along with providing sincere assistance to the society as well as being able to operate with the community and gain sustainable recognition. The Company’s operation covers both operations in business processes and beyond business processes to create a balance between economy, environment, and society, starting from within the organization and expanding to nearby communities. The Company’s employees have contributed their effort to help promote and organize various activities to drive the mentioned project forward. The Company has a community relations activity plan in order to be a part of activities for the community and society around the Chumphon Office. In 2023, the total budget of 736,188 baht was used for the following activities; Gave Children’s Day gifts to local schools in the surrounding area of the plant’s location. Supported anti-drug sports activities. Supported a badminton game to provide medical instruments to the Sawang Pratu Southern Rescue. Provided sports equipment to local schools in the surrounding area of the plant’s location. Provided drinking water for activities in villages around the plant’s location. Attended village meetings around the plant area to listen to the problems and make improvements. Organized visitation activities for bedridden patients, the elderly, and the poor. Provided professional palm plantation management training to farmers and individuals interested in palm cultivation. Provided financial support to help develop the water supply system for the community. Jointly organized activities for Senior Citizens Day 2023. Participated in community development by repairing electricity on the road and the roof of the village meeting building. Participated in removing seaweed in the Thung Pho Canal, Chumphon Province. Provided roofing tiles to repair and renovate houses for the needy. Provided blood pressure monitors to Sai Thong Subdistrict Health Promotion Hospital. Made donations and merits to monks and participated in the Buddhist Lent Day activities. Participated in Kathin at temples around the plant area. Provided things to support activities for accident prevention and reduction during the New Year Festival. Target The Company organized activities to take care of the environment and the safety of the community and provided social assistance for an area within 5–10 kilometers around the plant, as well as attending village meetings around the plant area to listen to problems, suggestions, and complaints to be used for further improvement, correction, or development of the community and society. Performance in the Past Year The Company organized activities to take care of the environment and the safety of the community, provided social assistance for an area within 5–10 kilometers around the plant as planned, and regularly attended village meetings. However, the Company did not receive any complaints from the community. Moreover, the Company also participated in community development activities, which are regularly held in each village community.

All details


Anti-corruption PolicyChumporn Palm Oil Industry Public Company Limited (CPI) and subsidiaries manages according to the principles of good corporate governance. And to formulate a policy against corruption in all forms that may arise from operations and contact with stakeholders, which the Company has set for directors, executives and employees of the Company And subsidiaries In the year 2014, the company expressed an intention to the public by becoming one of the "Thail Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption" Background in Anti-Corruption Management In 2014, the company signed a jointed program among private companies in Thailand as a gesture to fight against corruption. The Chairman of the company acknowledged and participated in the ratification announcement known as ‘Collective Action Coalition’ among all Thai private companies to oppose and fight against every forms of corruptions. The Board of directors had considered and approved counter corruption policies, protection policies for employees who take the courage to notify about corruption or other forms of misconduct (Whistle Blower Policy) and the policy on gifts receiving or taking unlawful possessions by notifying all parties involved, both internal and external, along with all of the company’s employee to abide by the policies and related regulations.   In 2015, the company shall proceed with notifying outside agencies, trade partners to similarly acknowledge and act in accordance with the aforementioned policies via The company has been training to all employees to educate and inform about the policies against corruption and make sure that all staffs and employees have better understanding and can act accordingly. During year 2015, the company and subsidiaries arrange workshop meeting to assess risk factors and setting plan to decrease and protect the risk factor including any corruption may affect the company. The Internal Audit will assess and follow up in every business quarter.  The Company and subsidiaries communicated and public about Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy via as the orientation, Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption program, Publishing all policy via intranet (internal communicate) and Website. In 2016 the Company has certified as a member of the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption since November 2016 which has to renew in every 3 years. The Internal Audit has planned to review and follow up the corporate governance and Anti-Corruption policy in every year. In 2017 - 2018 Internal Audits of the company has planned to review and audit the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption Policy along with evaluating and monitoring to summaries the results to the relevant authorities. In 2019 the Company received a renew of certified as a member of the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption on October 18, 2019 which has to renew in every 3 years. The Internal Audit has planned to review and follow up the corporate governance and Anti-Corruption policy in every year. In 2020 Internal Audits of the company has planned to review and audit the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption Policy along with evaluating and monitoring to summaries the results to the relevant authorities. In 2021, the Company has adapted its whistleblowing/complaint channels to make it more convenient, fast and secure. The company has publicized and trained employees at all levels to acknowledge and understand such uses, as well as publicity and dissemination to customers, third parties and partners through the Company's website In 2022 the Company received a renew of certified as a member of the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption which has to renew in every 3 years. (September 2022 – September 2025). In 2023, the Company changed the complaint channel to be more efficient and effective by switching to the complaint channel via the CPI Hotline on the telephone number 02-034-0284. Implementation and Monitoring of Anti-corruption Policy Compliance in 2023 The Company established training courses to educate and introduce whistleblowing and complaint channels to all new employees at orientation. The Company provided training, educated and introduced whistleblowing and complaint channels, as well as communicating information to employees at all levels and its subsidiaries on an ongoing basis through annual training courses and disseminating the results of the training operations on the intranet with employees’ signatures for acknowledgment, representing 100% of the total employees. The Internal Audit Office reviewed compliance with the Anti-Corruption Policy, which is set out in the Annual Audit Plan, and non-compliance with the established policies was found. In addition, the Company investigated complaints received through the complaint channels, which found no significant complaints related to corruption, and reported the results to the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Development Committee, the Audit and Risk Management Committee, and the Board of Directors. Whistle Blower System Blower” system which would allow the company’s employees and all shareholders to notify the company about plausible misconducts, violations of the company’s code of conduct, regulations and other rules concerning working, laws or corruption. The system can help with business operation by keeping it in line with work ethics and sustainable development. Everybody can inform the company about the plausible misconducts via; Complaints can be made directly verbally or written. Through the CPI Hotline system via telephon number 02-034-0284 which is a channel for reporting information/complaints operated independently by an external service provider on behalf of “Chumphon Palm Oil Industry Public Company Limited.” The company website : send to Chairman of Audit and Risk Management Committee E-mail : The Company takes the notification of information/leads on complaints seriously, starting the process of reviewing all facts as soon as possible. Information is kept confidential. Informants are not required to disclose their identity unless they choose to reveal their identity. Additionally, if the informant wants to report on other matters that do not cover the above services, the information can notify the Internal Audit Manager directly. In 2023, the Company investigated complaints received through the complaint channels, which found no significant complaints related to corruption, and reported the results to the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Development Committee, the Audit and Risk Management Committee, and the Board of Directors.

All details