
Anti-corruption Policy
Chumporn Palm Oil Industry Public Company Limited (CPI) and subsidiaries manages according to the principles of good corporate governance. And to formulate a policy against corruption in all forms that may arise from operations and contact with stakeholders, which the Company has set for directors, executives and employees of the Company And subsidiaries In the year 2014, the company expressed an intention to the public by becoming one of the "Thail Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption"

Background in Anti-Corruption Management

In 2014, the company signed a jointed program among private companies in Thailand as a gesture to fight against corruption. The Chairman of the company acknowledged and participated in the ratification announcement known as ‘Collective Action Coalition’ among all Thai private companies to oppose and fight against every forms of corruptions. The Board of directors had considered and approved counter corruption policies, protection policies for employees who take the courage to notify about corruption or other forms of misconduct (Whistle Blower Policy) and the policy on gifts receiving or taking unlawful possessions by notifying all parties involved, both internal and external, along with all of the company’s employee to abide by the policies and related regulations.  

In 2015, the company shall proceed with notifying outside agencies, trade partners to similarly acknowledge and act in accordance with the aforementioned policies via The company has been training to all employees to educate and inform about the policies against corruption and make sure that all staffs and employees have better understanding and can act accordingly.

During year 2015, the company and subsidiaries arrange workshop meeting to assess risk factors and setting plan to decrease and protect the risk factor including any corruption may affect the company. The Internal Audit will assess and follow up in every business quarter.

 The Company and subsidiaries communicated and public about Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy via as the orientation, Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption program, Publishing all policy via intranet (internal communicate) and Website.

In 2016 the Company has certified as a member of the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption since November 2016 which has to renew in every 3 years. The Internal Audit has planned to review and follow up the corporate governance and Anti-Corruption policy in every year.

In 2017 - 2018 Internal Audits of the company has planned to review and audit the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption Policy along with evaluating and monitoring to summaries the results to the relevant authorities.

In 2019 the Company received a renew of certified as a member of the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption on October 18, 2019 which has to renew in every 3 years. The Internal Audit has planned to review and follow up the corporate governance and Anti-Corruption policy in every year.

In 2020 Internal Audits of the company has planned to review and audit the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption Policy along with evaluating and monitoring to summaries the results to the relevant authorities.

In 2021, the Company has adapted its whistleblowing/complaint channels to make it more convenient, fast and secure. The company has publicized and trained employees at all levels to acknowledge and understand such uses, as well as publicity and dissemination to customers, third parties and partners through the Company's website

In 2022 the Company received a renew of certified as a member of the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption which has to renew in every 3 years. (September 2022 – September 2025).

In 2023, the Company changed the complaint channel to be more efficient and effective by switching to the complaint channel via the CPI Hotline on the telephone number 02-034-0284.

Implementation and Monitoring of Anti-corruption Policy Compliance in 2023

  • The Company established training courses to educate and introduce whistleblowing and complaint channels to all new employees at orientation.
  • The Company provided training, educated and introduced whistleblowing and complaint channels, as well as communicating information to employees at all levels and its subsidiaries on an ongoing basis through annual training courses and disseminating the results of the training operations on the intranet with employees’ signatures for acknowledgment, representing 100% of the total employees.
  • The Internal Audit Office reviewed compliance with the Anti-Corruption Policy, which is set out in the Annual Audit Plan, and non-compliance with the established policies was found. In addition, the Company investigated complaints received through the complaint channels, which found no significant complaints related to corruption, and reported the results to the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Development Committee, the Audit and Risk Management Committee, and the Board of Directors.

Whistle Blower System

Blower” system which would allow the company’s employees and all shareholders to notify the company about plausible misconducts, violations of the company’s code of conduct, regulations and other rules concerning working, laws or corruption. The system can help with business operation by keeping it in line with work ethics and sustainable development. Everybody can inform the company about the plausible misconducts via;

  • Complaints can be made directly verbally or written.
  • Through the CPI Hotline system via telephon number 02-034-0284 which is a channel for reporting information/complaints operated independently by an external service provider on behalf of “Chumphon Palm Oil Industry Public Company Limited.”
  • The company website :
  • send to Chairman of Audit and Risk Management Committee E-mail :

The Company takes the notification of information/leads on complaints seriously, starting the process of reviewing all facts as soon as possible. Information is kept confidential. Informants are not required to disclose their identity unless they choose to reveal their identity. Additionally, if the informant wants to report on other matters that do not cover the above services, the information can notify the Internal Audit Manager directly.

In 2023, the Company investigated complaints received through the complaint channels, which found no significant complaints related to corruption, and reported the results to the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Development Committee, the Audit and Risk Management Committee, and the Board of Directors.